VirTra Presents

VirTra 4 Day Tactics Course
4 Day In-Person Training In Chandler, AZ

About The Training
​​​​​​​Cost:  $1400
Dates:  December 10-13, 2024
​​​​​​​                 March 3-6, 2025
                 June 9-12, 2025
                 September 15-18, 2025
                 December 8-11, 2025

This 4 day in-person training course is two of our VirTra Tactics courses taught back-to-back.  Taking a 4 day course will save $200 per student vs signing up for two 2-day courses.  During the class, you will learn through a combination of lecture, videos and the use of the VirTra V-300 training simulator.
Click on the VirTra Tactics courses to get more info.

  • September 9-12, 2024 Session

     VirTra Tactics Course 1 (Sept 9 & 10)
         - Injured Officer Handgun Manipulation
         - ​​​​​​​Tourniquest Application Under Threat
         - Crisis De-Escalation
    VirTra Tactics Course 2 (Sept 11 & 12)
    ​​​​​​​     - Infectious Diseases
         - Contact Cover Concepts
         - Duty To Intervene
    ​​​​​​​     - High Risk Vehicle Stops

  • December 10-13, 2024 Session

    VirTra Tactics Course 3 (Dec 10 & 11)
         - Special Populations: Autism
         - Red Dot Optic Training
         - Behavior Threat Analysis
         - My Story: Dinkheller
    ​​​​​​​VirTra Tactics Course 1 (Dec 12 & 13)
         - Injured Officer Handgun Manipulation
         - ​​​​​​​Tourniquest Application Under Threat
         - Crisis De-Escalation

  • March 3-6, 2025 Session

    VirTra Tactics Course 2 (March 3 & 4)
    ​​​​​​​     - Infectious Diseases
         - Contact Cover Concepts
         - Duty To Intervene
    ​​​​​​​     - High Risk Vehicle Stops
    VirTra Tactics Course 3 (March 5 & 6)
         - Special Populations: Autism
         - Red Dot Optic Training
         - Behavior Threat Analysis
         - My Story: Dinkheller​​​​​​​

  • June 9-12, 2025 Session

    VirTra Tactics Course 1 (June 9 & 10)
         - Injured Officer Handgun Manipulation
         - ​​​​​​​Tourniquest Application Under Threat
         - Crisis De-Escalation
    VirTra Tactics Course 2 (June 11 & 12)
    ​​​​​​​     - Infectious Diseases
         - Contact Cover Concepts
         - Duty To Intervene
    ​​​​​​​     - High Risk Vehicle Stops

  • September 15-18, 2025 Session

    VirTra Tactics Course 3 (Sept 15 & 16)
         - Special Populations: Autism
         - Red Dot Optic Training
         - Behavior Threat Analysis
         - My Story: Dinkheller
    VirTra Tactics Course 1 (Sept 17 & 18)

         - Injured Officer Handgun Manipulation
         - ​​​​​​​Tourniquest Application Under Threat
         - Crisis De-Escalation

  • December 8-11, 2025 Session

    VirTra Tactics Course 2 (Dec 8 & 9)
    ​​​​​​​     - Infectious Diseases
         - Contact Cover Concepts
         - Duty To Intervene
    ​​​​​​​     - High Risk Vehicle Stops
    ​​​​​​​VirTra Tactics Course 3 (Dec 10 & 11)
         - Special Populations: Autism
         - Red Dot Optic Training
         - Behavior Threat Analysis
         - My Story: Dinkheller

  • T.J. Alioto


  • Jeff Knaup


  • Lon Bartel


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