FREE WEBINAR (English) - May 13, 2025, 16:00 CET

Hydrogen in the UK and Export Opportunities

This webinar will provide an overview of hydrogen production in the UK, including policy developments, funding, domestic demand and production, and projects. This will be followed by a discussion of the key take aways from a joint feasibility study commissioned by the UK and German governments on the trade of low-carbon hydrogen between the two countries, including pipeline routing options, possible business models, and needs for regulatory alignment. 

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Marie Münch, is a consultant at adelphi, where she has been supporting the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection in implementing Germany's energy and climate partnerships with the USA, Australia and the UK since 2023. She has been Co-Head of the German-British Hydrogen Partnership since 2024. Hydrogen is a central topic in her work, and she is in close dialogue with industry and government representatives from the three countries as part of studies, regular bilateral exchanges, and delegation trips.

PREMIUM PARTNERS of Hydrogen Moves:

PARTNERS of Hydrogen Moves:
ARGO ANLEG | EFCF | Efficientics - hydrogen safety consulting | F. Laeisz | GP JOULE | Hexagon Purus | Hydrogeit Verlag | Paul Group | TAE - Technische Akademie Esslingen | Tyczka Hydrogen GmbH | water stuff & sun | Woche des Wasserstoffs

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  • Understand the new government’s hydrogen strategy and policies, approach to standards and certification, funding provisions, and key projects.

  • Get an overview of the key take aways from the joint feasibility study on low-carbon hydrogen trade between the two countries.
  • Use this opportunity to get in touch with stakeholders interested in the UK’s and Germany’s hydrogen market.
  • Marie Münch

    adelphi consult GmbH | Consultant

  • Silke Frank

    Hydrogen Moves GmbH | Managing Director

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