FREE WEBINAR (English) - February 18, 2025, 9:00 CET

Country insights: Australian Hydrogen Sector & Cooperations

This webinar will give an update on the Australian hydrogen sector, including policy developments, funding, demand and production, projects as well as stakeholders. Another part of the webinar will be focusing on past and current hydrogen cooperation between Australia and Germany and how interested stakeholders can get involved.

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Franziska Teichmann, has been a Senior Manager at adelphi since January 2019, initially in the Berlin office and since 2021 in Sydney as Head of the German Secretariat for the Energy and Climate Partnership with Australia on behalf of the German Government. Hydrogen has been a priority in the cooperation over the last years and Franziska has monitored the Australian hydrogen sector and supported bilateral cooperation like the Australia-Germany H2Global auction.

PREMIUM PARTNERS of Hydrogen Moves:

PARTNERS of Hydrogen Moves:
ARGO ANLEG | EFCF | Efficientics - hydrogen safety consulting | F. Laeisz | GP JOULE | Hexagon Purus | Hydrogeit Verlag | Paul Group | TAE - Technische Akademie Esslingen | Tyczka Hydrogen GmbH | water stuff & sun | Woche des Wasserstoffs

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  • Find out about the latest policy developments, funding opportunities, market updates and key projects.

  • Learn about past and ongoing collaborations, including joint initiatives and success stories.
  • Find out if the Australian hydrogen market is of interest to you and how you can get involved in the ongoing activities of the German-Australian cooperation.
  • Franziska Teichmann

    adelphi consult GmbH | Senior Manager & Head of the German Secretariat for the Energy Cooperation with Australia and New Zealand

  • Silke Frank

    Hydrogen Moves GmbH | Managing Director

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