Free Webinar

Are your cells a drug?
​​​​​​​Protecting personal cell therapy and the practice of medicine.

Cell Surgical Network’s 5 year experience with the FDA, a federal lawsuit, and adipose derived personal cell therapy
Understanding the rules and regulations surrounding adipose stem cell isolation.

About The Webinar

Are you confused about what you can and cannot do when it comes to providing “stem cells” to your patients?

There’s so much confusing information out there coming from purported experts. We’re here to share our experience defending the practice of medicine and cellular therapy in federal court against the FDA.

We’ll share first hand information from inside the courtroom, explain why a federal judge found personal stem cells not to be a drug, and how the existing rules and regulations protect the practice of medicine.

We will ask you to believe and trust nothing that you hear, because unfortunately, this is done all too commonly. Instead, we’ll ask attendees to hear, observe and then go look up the rules for themselves to confirm what they’ve actually been told is real.

​​​​​​​All too often, we take for granted the things we hear in presentations in webinars or at medical conferences, which has led to much of the confusion that exists today. 

  • Sean Berman

    Director of Scientific Research and Operations – Cell Surgical Network

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