Building an Efficient Workflow with Giancarlo Pawelec

About the Webinar

What exactly is it to work efficiently? Being able to perform in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort.  Ummmmm yes I will take a double serving of that please and thank you! 

We all know that creating habits that help to save time, effort and money is something we all want as an entrepreneur, especially when we wear so many hats in our business and are also striving for balance.    

In our final live we will be going through the workflow of a studio photoshoot and sharing discoveries made along the way in creating efficiency in my workflow. There will be plenty of tips and tricks that have helped to save time and effort freeing up space for your creatively to flow!

  • Giancarlo Pawelec

    Webinar Host

  • Jesica Sill

    Webinar Host

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