How To Survive (And Thrive) Transitioning To Remote Working
How to avoid the pitfalls, software to use, how to care for your team, how to maintain security...
I'm going to share what I know about running a remote company from having grown Exposure Ninja to 100, all remote, to help you get to grips with it.
Tim Cameron-Kitchen
Webinar Host & Head Ninja at 100-person remote company Exposure Ninja
How to track and measure your team's activity and work
How do you know your team is actually working when they're at home?
How to help your team succeed in a remote environment
Not everyone finds it easy to adapt to working remotely. Those that are highly social, those that crave structure and those who are... shall we say 'less organised' are all potentially vulnerable. I'll share what we learned about how to help them (and you) win.
How to communicate... even better
Without face to face interaction, it's all too easy for remote work to rely on text messages, emails and even Whatsapp groups for communication. All of these are a complete nightmare for productivity and sanity
Ineffective meetings
"Can you hear me? How about now?" Remote meetings can be absolute carnage, particuarly if your team look like prisoners on important client calls. It doesn't have to be like this.
How being forced to go remote by Coronavirus might be the best thing that ever happens to your business...
Stick with me here. Being remote actually has massive benefits, and has fuelled our growth for the last 8 years. I'll share what we've learned.