NEW Webinar!

Communicate with Angels, Guides Star Beings!

Have you ever wanted to communicate more clearly with your Angels, Guides, Star Beings, or Ancestors? Perhaps it's time you learn and practice! Dr. Jane Smolnik will give us many tips and tools that she used over the years to be able to communicate more clearly with them. You can receive insights, direct info, guidance, support, and more!

  • Have you ever wanted to know what your Guides are telling you?

    Check out this fascinating webinar to learn specific tolls and techinuqes for developing your telepathic ability to communicate more easily with your Angels, Guides, Start Beings, and even ancestors!

  • Telepathy is an INNATE ability we can ALL learn to master! 
    Did you know that it is instinctive for us to easily develop this ability? It is not difficult to do, but most of us have turned OFF this ability, thinking it is something 'special'.

  • Do you have specific Angels, or Archangels you are drawn to? Or a special connection to certain Star races, like Pleiadians?
    None of us have come onto this planet alone! We ALL have at least 3-4 Guides that join us. But they cannot interfere as we have free will. BUT they are very happy to assist when we ask! Invite your friends too!

Webinar Presenters

  • JaneSmolnik Boyd

    Webinar Host

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