Free Webinar

Hydrogen Safety for FCEV Workshops

May 29, 4 pm (Berlin Time), 10 am (New York), 10 pm (Bejing)

Webinar Presenters

  • Mission Hydrogen

    Webinar Host

  • Oliver Bornholdt

    Dräger, Global Business Development Manager - CleanTech markets

  • Dion Stibany

    Dräger, Marketing Manager - CleanTech business

  • Dr. David Wenger

    Webinar Host, Founder and CEO, Mission Hydrogen

What You Will Learn In The Webinar

​​​​​​​Here are two very important rules you have to keep in mind:

  1. Safety first. Statistically speaking, 61% of the hydrogen incidents are related to human errors, so fail-safe design, automation and safe operating procedures are the key to everything.
  2. Don’t try to re-invent the wheel. Others have been there before you, and other people are smart, too. You don’t have to repeat every mistake, especially not in the field of hydrogen safety.

That being said, an important and (at least in the public domain) unanswered question is:
How to operate a fuel cell heavy-duty vehicle maintenance facility?

This can be a bus depot, a parking lot for trucks or a real repair shop where those vehicles are being cleaned, overhauled or repaired.

In a workshop, human interaction with hydrogen systems is the rule, not the exception. People are where the hydrogen is, and they sometimes have to disassemble things and put them back together afterwards.

The question every operator faces (typically pretty late in the project) is:
How to do it safely? What risks do I need to consider? What are the regulations and guidelines that I will need to comply with?

Here’s the universal answer: Learn from those who have done it before. Learn from those who who have a century of experience.

In this webinar, Oliver Bornholdt and Dion Stibany from Dräger will explain how to set up a hydrogen safety concept for FCEV workshops. (If you want to, you can replace “FCEV” with “Electrolyzer” or so – it’s similar.)

They will walk you through the steps that one of their customers – the operator of the largest fleet of hydrogen powered garbage trucks worldwide – had to take to convert their facility into a safe place to handle hydrogen and to maintain and repair fuel cell vehicles.

This blueprint is open for anyone, and they highly recommend you use it for your own bus yard or your maintenance facility.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​SPONSORS of the Mission Hydrogen Webinar Series:
GOLD:  NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP | Wenger Engineering GmbH 
Silver:  Atlas Copco |  Burckhardt Compression AG | Dräger Safety | Hexagon Purus | MSA – The Safety Company | VOSS Holding GmbH + Co. KG 
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