The Dance of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine is a sublime choreography of life itself. It is the sublime art of balancing and integrating the powerful, purposeful energy of the Masculine and the gentle, creative energy of the Feminine.

Wednesday, 22 November 2023 | 9pm Amsterdam


The Dance of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine is a sublime choreography of life itself. It is the sublime art of balancing and integrating the powerful, purposeful energy of the Masculine and the gentle, creative energy of the Feminine.

​​​​​​​In this interplay, the alchemy of wholeness and unity arises, where duality melts into a harmonious symphony of love and power. It is the Creation of a world in which yin and yang embrace each other, and in which we fully embrace ourselves as the embodiment of this divine danceDe Dans van Het Heilige Vrouwelijke en Heilige Mannelijke is een sublieme choreografie van het leven zelf. Het is de verheven kunst van het in balans brengen en integreren van de krachtige, doelgerichte energie van het Mannelijke en de zachte, creatieve energie van het Vrouwelijke.


    From the beginning of history, the Divine Feminine has been held sacred and worshiped as the matrix of creation. In many ancient societies, the nurturing nature of the Divine Feminine was associated with the concepts of fertility and creation and took the form of the Great Mother Goddess.

    We find Goddess religion in many parts of the ancient world, long before patriarchal religions took over.

    Societies were structured and operated around these Goddess religions, and they were ruled by a collective of priestesses dedicated to the ritual.


    ​​​​​​​The Sacred Masculine is on the rise. He holds a sacred space for his truth. He breathes with integral power of beauty and vulnerability. He lives from his heart. He embodies the various qualities associated with this energy. It is the energy of consciousness as opposed to the Divine Feminine, which is the energy of the creative life force.

    When I was standing in the basilica La Sagrada Familia, I noticed a beautiful statue in which it seemed as if Jesus and Mary Magdalene were hugging each other intimately. It felt as if the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine became ONE.

    And I remembered, “When the TWO become ONE again, Heaven will open!

    To be whole, a person must learn to tap into both the Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies.

Let's connect in a Worldwide connection to raise our frequency together!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

  • Janosh Stoffers

    Webinar Host

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