Free Webinar

Liquid Hydrogen Truck Refueling

May 8, 10 am (Berlin Time), 4 am (New York), 4 pm (Bejing)

Webinar Presenters

  • Mission Hydrogen

    Webinar Host

  • Dr. Steffen Maus

    Head of „AE System Concepts & Energy Storage“, Daimler Truck AG

  • Dr. Simon Schäfer

    Linde Hydrogen Fueltech, R&D Engineer Cryogenic H2 Technologies, Linde GmbH

  • Dr. David Wenger

    Webinar Host, Founder and CEO, Mission Hydrogen

What You Will Learn In The Webinar

How do you build a zero emission truck with a range of 1,000 km?

With the current truck designs there’s only one option: Use a fuel cell and store the hydrogen as a liquid. Subcooled liquid hydrogen, to be precise.

That’s the way Daimler Truck, the largest truck manufacturer in the world, is thinking. And they are not only thinking about it, they’re building these trucks.

The infrastructure partner of Daimler Truck is Linde, the largest gas company in the world.
Linde has installed the world’s first Subcooled Liquid Hydrogen truck refueling station next to the Daimler Truck factory in Woerth, Germany. 

The sLH2 technology enables​​​​​​​

  • More than 80 kg of usable hydrogen in the usual installation space of a tractor unit
  • Safe, quick and easy refueling in less than 15 minutes
  • Simplified and energy-efficient technology leads to significantly lower investment and operating costs at the filling station

​​​​​​​​​​​The feedback we hear from the market is clear: “It works very well, and it’s surprising how small it is. It’s a very cost effective solution compared to high pressure.” (Ok, you need to liquefy the hydrogen, but that’s another webinar later this year.)

In this webinar the two masterminds behind this solution will be our webinar speakers:

Dr. Steffen Maus has almost 20 years of experience in hydrogen storage, and he is the Head of Zero Emission Technology and Simulation at Daimler Truck.
Dr. Simon Schaefer is a project engineer at Linde Engineering and one of the “brains” behind the concept of the refueling station. Simon has 13 years of experience in hydrogen technology engineering and holds a Ph.D. in cryogenic hydrogen technology.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​SPONSORS of the Mission Hydrogen Webinar Series:
GOLD:  NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP | Wenger Engineering GmbH 
Silver:  Atlas Copco |  Burckhardt Compression AG | Dräger Safety | Hexagon Purus | MSA – The Safety Company | VOSS Holding GmbH + Co. KG 
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