Free Webinar
Skincare Technology for Working Women -
Rapidly improving skin surface
with Etsuko Watarai of Kao Corporation
Day of Webinar depends on where you live.
Tuesday 4 October: West Coast USA 17h = Mexico City / Chicago / Bogota 19h = East Coast USA 20h = Sao Paolo 21h
Wednesday 5 October: UK 1h = Central Europe / J'burg 2h = Tel Aviv 3h = New Delhi 5h30 = Sing / HK / China / Taipei 8h = Japan / Korea 9h = Melbourne 11h Thurs = Wellington 13h Thursday
About the Webinar
In this webinar, the topic of “Tangible Skincare” which aims to improve the quality of life (QOL) of the skincare users will be reviewed. In order to improve their QOL through skin care, it is essential to design the cosmetic products considering scenes in the users’ lifestyles in addition to the conventional improvement of the skin condition. Therefore, we focused on the busy working women whose number is recently increasing and observed their skin conditions. According to our consumer survey of working women, almost all working women have skin roughness like scales.
Furthermore, it was found that these scales resulted in a terrible make-up finish and also affected the QOL of working women. In order to tackle this problem, a novel skincare approach for prompt skin surface improvement is crucial. The key for this approach is to incorporate an “adhesive polymer”, which adsorbs peeled corneocytes selectively and re-adheres, into a conventional skincare formulation exhibiting high moisture effect. We developed a novel formulation by using this approach. According to the usage test of our novel formulation, this formulation was found to improve skin roughness within only 3 d. Furthermore, this prompt skin surface improvement gives a better make-up finish from both appearance and tactile viewpoints in working women’s daily lives. As a result, it was confirmed that such skin improvements with 3 days’ care is tangibly recognized by women from the two perspectives(visible and tactile)and enhances their QOL.
In this study, we focused on the busy working women whose number is recently increasing and observed their skin conditions. According to our consumer survey
of working women, almost all working women have skin roughness like scales. Furthermore, it was found that these scales resulted in a terrible make-up finish and also affected the QOL of working women. In order to tackle this problem, a novel skincare approach for prompt skin surface improvement is crucial. The key for this approach is to incorporate an “adhesive polymer”, which adsorbs peeled corneocytes selectively and re-adheres, into a conventional skincare formulation exhibiting high moisture effect. According to the usage test of our novel formulation, this formulation was found to improve skin roughness within only 3 d. Furthermore, this prompt skin surface improvement gives a better make-up finish from both appearance and tactile viewpoints in working women’s daily lives.
About the Presenter
Etsuko Watarai received a bachelor degree and a master degree in Bio-materials Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 2006 and 2008, respectively. After graduating, she joined in Kao Corporation and she is in charge of make-up products research laboratory as a formulator for 7years. At that time, she investigated the mechanism of make-up Deterioration due to Facial Movement. After that, she is in skincare Products Research Laboratory and studied about lamellar/polymer composite for 5 years. Her research interests are currently development and evaluation of polymer membrane that can be used in product design.
Affiliation: Kao Corporation
IFSCC secretariat
Webinar Host
Perry Romanowski
Webinar Host
Etsuko Watarai
Webinar Host
Tomoko Sekine
Webinar Host