FREE CHALLENGE presented by Wholesaling Inc. + DealMachine

Do Your First Deal: 7-Day Challenge

The Path to Financial Freedom...
​​​​​​​Starts with Finding Discounted Property.

Wholesaling Inc. + DealMachine have teamed up to bring you a FREE 7-day challenge to help you start finding the best deals in your market.

This challenge was designed to help you go from NO (or little) real estate experience to taking the exact steps you need to start on your path to financial freedom.

Join us for a series of LIVE trainings to learn the proven system that over 10,000 investors have used to close deals in every market.​​​​​​​

  • Find Hidden Real Estate Deals

    Learn how to find the most motivated sellers in your market.

  • Your Marketing Playbook

    Learn the most effective and proven strategies to reach sellers.

  • Close Your Deals with Confidence

    Learn to make confident offers and close your first (or next) deal.

  • BONUS: DealMachine will be giving away over $2,500 in prizes to participants!

  • **TO REGISTER: Please select "Register to all dates below" in the Select date dropdown menu**

  • Brent Daniels

    Live Training Host, Expert Real Estate Investor, World-Class REI Coach

  • Matt Kamp, DealMachine

    Live Training Co-Host

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