Free Webinar

Self-Care: The Lost Art

Self-care has become the new buzzword in recent years, so what exactly is it all about? It's about taking care of your mind and body so that you feel less stress and can enjoy life more. When it comes to implementing a self-care plan, it can be confusing and you may not know where to start. First, it's important to remember that it's not all about getting massages, having a cup of tea or enjoying a bubble bath, even though these things can absolutely be included in what you consider part of your self-care plan. What it's really about is finding small ways in your daily life to fill up your emotional and mental "gas tank" so you don't feel as though you're running on fumes. During this free webinar, Dr. Ezrre will teach you some easy and effective ways to implement self-care and ultimately avoid burnout. During this webinar, you can expect to:

  • ​​​​​​​Develop an understanding of why self-care is important for our physical, emotional and mental health and well-being
  • Learn 9 simple and easy ways to implement self-care in our daily lives
  • Understand why setting boundaries is a crucial step in self-care
  • Learn how to become better at setting boundaries with love and respect ​​​​​​​

  • Desert Wellness Center

    Webinar Host

  • Dr. Ezrre

    Webinar Host

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