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"There was once a small city with only a few people in it. And a powerful king came against it, surrounded it, and built huge siegeworks against it. Now there lived in that city a man who was poor but wise, and he saved the city with his wisdom. "But nobody remembered that poor man." - Ecclesiasiastes 9:14-15
This, to me, is perhaps one of the most poignant scriptures in the Bible.
A king surrounds a city and begins to take it over. Everyone in the city looks for a solution; they find a man (coach) of great wisdom; described as poor but wise. He saves the city, but because he didn't understand how to negotiate his value, nobody eventually remembers the poor man.
Did you notice the end of that verse? He's no longer described as a "poor but wise man."
He's described as a poor man.
Why? It's simple.
His wisdom left him because he wasn't able to negotiate his value when the opportunity of a lifetime showed up.
His wisdom left, but his poverty remained.
You’re a coach, consultant. pastor
A thought-leader.
A professional service provider…
and you just might be described as a "poor, wise Coach"
You've saved lots of "cities" ... you've got a good name - you've built a good brand - you've got a good reputation for your wisdom
Unfortunately, your bank account doesn't reflect your wisdom.
And that's ... not a smart choice.
Actually, I really wanted to say "that's dumb" - but I think you get the point 😉
You might be insta famous, a snapchat celebrity or TikTok notorious ... but if you're real life broke, then you've got no one to blame but yourself
You wear your heart on your sleeve—you're a good person, but you're attracting and serving broke people.
You can't save the poor and be one of them
You're positioning yourself wrongly!
You're too expensive to the poor and too cheap to the rich.
That's a bad place to be.
Compare this poor wise Coach with this example
"David asked the men standing near him, “What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?”
- Ist Samuel 17: 26
"Now the Israelites had been saying, “Do you see how this man keeps coming out? He comes out to defy Israel.
The king will give great wealth to the man who kills him. He will also give him his daughter in marriage and will exempt his family from taxes in Israel.” - 1st Samuel 17: 25
David didn't see Goliath and offer to take him out for free.
He saw a desperate rich client, positioned himself appropriately, made an irresistible offer, and got the client to name his price ... and inevitably, David became rich.
Desperate clients have desperate problems and they'll put desperate prices on those problems
That's why I'm teaching this masterclass
It's time to stop being described as poor but wise
I know that wisdom is your currency - and unfortunately, because it's intangible, you can't tell when you're running out. It's a seemingly inexhaustible resource. That's why it doesn't hurt when you give it away for free
But it is costing you something.
Private schools for your kids, the freedom that comes with knowing you don't have to work a job you hate until you're forced to quit or laid off, giving beautiful gifts to your family, and the uncanny ability to print money from anywhere simply because you've got buyers on demand.
You've served broke people for too long.
They don't give you anything but headaches that are caused from picking your brain.
Haven't you noticed that the people that pay you the least (if they pay you at all), stress you the most?
And the people that pay you the most stress you the least.
It's time to free yourself from broke clients
They are the enemy
Saturday, April 30th, 2023. 1:00 PM CST / 7.00 PM WAT
You need this masterclass if you have any of these problems
You have an audience, crowd or following, but you don't have paying clients on demand
If you're considered too expensive to the poor and too cheap to the rich
You're consistently attracting broke people and repelling rich people
You have the wrong offer that attracts the wrong market
You're working with many people who consistently pay you less instead of working with a few people that can consistently pay you more
You're spending more time creating content on social media that you hope goes viral instead of using social media as a traffic source to webinars that are giving you passive income.
Webinar Presenters
Steve Harris
Webinar Host