Free Webinar

(Watch and learn)


The Family Court system can be very rigid and will follow the procedure they have used for many years.  Many people try to force their way through without understanding the 'rules of the game' and learn the hard way that there are simple things you can do, and need to do, that will keep you on track and heading in the right direction. 

Be Prepared.  Be Confident.  Be Ready  

​​​​​​​The majority of hearings in the Family Courts are handled by people representing themselves for a variety of reasons.  They oppose Lawyers who do this job every day.  Their family situation is investigated by CAFCASS who do this every day.  Decisions are taken by Judges who were lawyers and do this every day.  You will do this for a brief period of your life and be in court a handful of times. 
​​​​​​​Learn the ropes, understand the rules of the game.  Know what works and more importantly what does not work.    

Monday  26th August 2024, 7:00 PM

  • Using Simon Wallands extensive knowledge and experience in Family Law

    Over twenty years of helping people to represent themselves in the Family Courts

  • Simon Walland, Barrister, Lawyer and McKenzie Friend

    Simon's unique style of teaching Family Law in an easy to follow way is to be seen to be believed.

  • Watch the Webinar and understand when and how you can represent yourself in the Family Courts

    Everyday people lose their case, or their advantage by making common mistakes.  Learn twenty important mistakes and why they should be avoided.

Webinar Presenters

  • Simon Walland

    Barrister/McKenzie Friend

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