Free Webinar

Methanol as a Hydrogen Carrier
​​​​​​​for Fuel Cells

June 14, 2023 - 4 pm (Berlin Time), 10 am (New York), 10 pm (Beijing)

Webinar Presenters

  • Alan Kneisz

    Vice President – Sales and Marketing, Advent Technologies

  • Dr. David Wenger

    Webinar Host, Founder and CEO Mission Hydrogen

​​​​​​​What You Will Learn In The Webinar

Beyond being an essential building block for chemicals and materials, methanol has risen to prominence as a clean-burning fuel and an efficient liquid hydrogen carrier. Being a globally traded product, there is wide availability of infrastructure to support the storage, transport, and utilization of methanol in clean energy applications.

​​​​​​​Alan Kneisz, Vice President – Sales and Marketing at Advent Technologies, will discuss various subjects, encompassing

  • Methanol and how it fits within the Hydrogen Decarbonization goals
  • Industries and sectors using Methanol Fuel cells
  • How Methanol is produced using Hydrogen
  • Advantages of using Methanol as a Hydrogen Carrier
  • The future of Methanol in this sector

Sponsors of the Mission Hydrogen Webinar Series:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​GOLDHexagon Purus, NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP, Wenger Engineering GmbHWenger Hydrogen GmbH

Silver: Atlas CopcoBurckhardt Compression AG​​​​​​​Dräger Safety, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies​​​​​​​MSA – The Safety CompanySiemens AG, thyssenkrupp nuceraVOSS Holding GmbH + Co. KG​​​​​​​

Bronze: PHOENIX CONTACTSiren Energy

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