Free Webinar

Age related changes in hair properties and consumer hair care needs​​​​​​​
Wednesday 18 May 11h NYC time
​​​​​​​West Coast USA 8h = Mexico City / Chicago / Bogota 10h = East Coast USA 11h = Sao Paolo 12h = UK 16h =
Central Europe/J'burg 17 = Tel Aviv 18h = New Delhi 20h30 = Singapore / HK / China / Taipei 23h =
​​​​​​​Japan / Korea 0h = Melbourne 1h Thurs = Wellington 3h Thurs

About the Webinar

Age comes to us all and affects all parts of our bodies.  It is perhaps not surprising that our hair follicles, that work so ferociously every day of our lives to produce new hair, also succumb to ageing effects.  This presentation will review the changes observed in our hair fibres with ageing, including greying, thinning, hair loss and reductions in hair greasiness.  It will then look at the consequences of these changes for hair care practices, and for hair care needs.  This presentation should be of interest to anyone designing hair care ingredients or products for more mature consumers

  • About our Speaker
    Paul Cornwell's technical expertise is focused on product evaluation, instrumental measurement techniques and on formulation design, particularly in cosmetic skin and hair care products. He has many years of industrial experience in claim support testing, innovation and product development at Unilever and PZ Cussons.
    Paul qualified as a pharmacist in 1989 and gained a PhD in Pharmaceutical Technology in 1993. For his PhD Paul worked with Professor Brian Barry at Bradford University on topical drug delivery and skin penetration enhancers. For his postdoctoral research he continued to work in skin delivery with Dr Joke Bouwstra and Dr Harry Bodde at Leiden University. Since then Paul has enjoyed a career in R&D in the cosmetics industry working at Unilever and PZ Cussons.
    Over his career Paul has published many journal articles and presented at many scientific conferences. His work has been cited in over 800 publications. In industry, Paul has been involved in many successful product launches for major, international cosmetic brands such as Organics, Dove, Lux, Sunsilk, Carex, Original Source, Charles Worthington and Imperial Leather. He has contributed to several patent applications, at least four of which have gone to the full ‘grant’ stage.
    Paul teaches cosmetic science as a visiting lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University and Sunderland University, and on the UK SCS On-Line Diploma Course. He is also a member of the Scientific Programme Committee at the UK, SCS.

  • About our Guest Scientist
    Dr. Tony Gough is currently Vice President of the IFSCC.  During the IFSCC 2022 London Congress he will become President of the IFSCC.

    Tony has a PhD in organic chemistry and has worked in research & development and technical roles within the personal care product industry for over 30 years. He is a Director of Innovation for Sustainability at Innospec UK and has been with the company since 2012. Prior to this, he held management/senior management roles in R&D/technical functions at Unilever Research, Alberto-Culver, COSi, Surfachem and ISP/Ashland. Tony has extensive knowledge of the science and technology of cosmetics & toiletries products and in formulating a wide range of personal care product types. He is also a past President of the UK and Ireland’s Society of Cosmetic Scientists (SCS) and is still an active in the SCS as a member of the International Journal of Cosmetic Science (IJCS) committee. He is on the IJCS editorial advisory board. Tony has served on the IFSCC Praesidium since 2015 when he served as Treasurer.


  • Paul Cornwell, TRI Princeton (UK)

    Webinar Presenter

  • Tony Gough, IFSCC Vice President

    Guest Scientist

  • Perry Romanowski, IFSCC Chair of Education

    Webinar Host

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