Free Webinar
HIV/Aids in our world today
This workshop will give an update on the advances in treatment and awareness as well as serve as a reminder to employees on how to protect themselves and those they care about.
The total number of people living with HIV in South Africa has increased from an estimated 3.58 million in 2002 to 8.45 million by 2022. Approximately one-quarter (24.1%) of women in South Africa in their reproductive ages [15 to 49] are HIV positive. StatsSA. Jul 28, 2022.
The HIV/Aids workshop will include:
1. HIV/Aids in a nutshell
2. Update on HIV/Aids facts and figures
3. Understanding new medication and treatment trends
4. HIV/Aids management through lifestyle
5. Social issues surrounding HIV/Aids
6. Addressing personal risk factors
Those who attend this workshop will leave with a full update on the status of the pandemic as well as all the advances in treatment that have been made. They will hopefully be motivated to make any necessary changes in their lifestyles and seek testing and treatment as a priority.
Dr Zaheen Omar
Webinar Host
Daniela Borges
Webinar Host
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