Monday 18th December, 10:00am - 1:00pm AEDT

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Join us for a LIVE and interactive webinar to connect with your true authentic self!

Masking, Burnout, Self-Care, and Self-Advocacy? What do all these things have in common? How can I be my authentic self AND be socially successful at the same time?

This webinar is for those who want to:
-Take off the mask
-Be your authentic self -use less energy (especially in social interactions)
-AND avoid rejection and social isolation!

​​​​​​​Learning to take off the mask can sometimes feel like a daunting prospect, especially if you've been high-masking for decades. In this webinar, we walk together step-by-step through the unmasking process breaking it down into clear milestones and manageable stages. All the way from the first tentative baby steps, to fully fledged confident autistic identity. So whether you're at the beginning of your journey, not even sure what masking is or how it applies to you, or you're a veteran adventurer looking for advanced self-advocacy strategies, this webinar is for you!
​​​​​​​NOTE: This webinar is INTERACTIVE. This means you will be invited to respond to discussion questions, share your experience, give your opinion, and, of course, ask questions of your own! (all participation is voluntary)

  • Autistic Led

    Our presenters identify as neurodivergent and share knowledge as educational leaders and autistic adults with lived experience.

  • Autism Friendly

    With flexible options for taking part and opportunities for small group interactions. 

  • Neurodiversity Affirming

    ALL of our training offers targeted strategies for overcoming specific autistic challenges through a positive, inclusive, and balanced approach to autistic strengths and abilities. 

  • Paul Micallef

    Webinar Host

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