FREE ​​​​​​​Online Workshop for beginners and active traders and investors:

How to start trading stocks successfully using 3 proven strategies based on "cloning the successful ones" and have access to unusual market data that will help you follow the "smart money"

What will you learn at the Online Workshop?

How to follow smart money with a new, proven trading system based on "Shameless Cloning" that most stock traders do not know about.

- 3 new proven strategies that you can start doing right away

- How to pick only the stocks with a high probability of making a big move right now

- How to get access to market data that most retail traders have no idea about and give you a significant advantage over others

GIFT at the end for everyone! A trading plan in PDF showing you how to apply the strategies step-by-step

In case you are unable to attend, you will receive a replay via e-mail


  • How to start trading stocks successfully even if you are a total beginner

  • How to significantly improve your results if you are a trader or investor

  • An exclusive tool that will allow you to follow the so-called smart money

  • Trading plan for 3 proven strategies that you can start using right away

About the host

  • Dominik Kovarik

    Dominik is a professional European investor and trader focused on US stocks. With a team located in Switzerland and the Czech republic, he has developed tools giving better market insight to beginners and advanced investors and traders. More than 2,000 investors have already gone through his classes and trainings and more than 3,000 users use his tools daily. With 20,000+ social network followers, he loves to share his investments LIVE. His current personal portfolio is made up of more than one million US dollars.

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