About The Webinar

Are you an auto repair shop owner feeling the impact of today's challenging economic conditions? Do you feel like your customers are delaying bringing their vehicle in for service or repair?

The good news is, the economic slowdown doesn’t have to stop you from making a decent profit

Join us for our exclusive webinar, "Recession Proof: An Auto Repair Shop Owners Guide To Making A Profit in A Slowing Economy" hosted by Rachael Evans, CEO & Founder of The Workshop Whisperer, and Capricorn preferred supplier.

In this Exclusive 1 hour webinar just for Capricorn Society members, Rachael will address 5 of the biggest challenges auto repair shops are currently facing:
➡️ Reduced consumer spending 
➡️ Fluctuating market conditions 
➡️ Retaining and attracting customers
➡️ Increased competition intensifying during economic downturn
➡️ Cash flow constraints and the effects to your financial stability

The current economic landscape presents unique challenges for auto repair shop owners in New Zealand. Uncertainty, reduced consumer spending, and fluctuating market conditions can make it difficult to keep your doors open and your business thriving. But fear not! The Workshop Whisperer is here to empower you with the strategies you need to not just survive, but THRIVE!

Why Choose the Workshop Whisperer?

Unparalleled Expertise: With years of experience in the auto repair industry, we have witnessed and overcome economic downturns before. Our team of experts has an in-depth understanding of the specific challenges you face and the solutions that can turn your business around.

Guided by Success: Workshop Whisperer is a preferred supplier of Capricorn New Zealand, a testament to our track record of delivering exceptional results. By partnering with us, you gain access to proven strategies and insights that have helped countless auto repair shop owners thrive even in the most challenging economic times.

Proactive Measures: Rather than merely reacting to economic challenges, we empower you to take proactive steps to safeguard your business. Our webinar will equip you with effective cashflow management techniques, budgeting strategies, and expense control methods, ensuring you have a solid foundation to weather any economic slowdown.

Growing Your Customer Base: In times of economic uncertainty, maintaining and growing your customer base becomes paramount. Workshop Whisperer will reveal proven tactics to retain your existing customers while attracting new ones, allowing your business to flourish despite the challenging market conditions.

Register Now!

Attend the webinar, and as a BONUS, receive our financial mastery guide for auto repair shop owners that teaches you how to unleash the power of your financial reports, make smarter decisions, and skyrocket your profits!

Ready to UNLEASH PROFITS? Don't let the economic downturn hold you back. Register today for the "Recession Proof" webinar and take the first step toward securing MAJOR profitability and GROWTH for your auto repair shop. Reserve your seat NOW by clicking REGISTER below!"

🕐 WHEN: Wednesday August 16th at 12:30pm to 1:30pm NZST
📍WHERE: Virtual, the link to join will be sent straight to your inbox

Webinar Presenters

  • Rachael Evans

    Founder and CEO of the Workshop Whisperer

  • Andrew Baird

    Head of Sales & Supply – Capricorn NZ

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