Free Webinar

High Efficiency Electrolysis

April 5, 2023 - 10 am in Berlin, 4 am in New York, 4 pm in Beijing

Webinar Presenters

  • Mission Hydrogen

    Webinar Host

  • Gerry Swiegers

    Chief Technology Officer, Hysata

  • Dr.-Ing. David Wenger

    Webinar Host, Founder and CEO, Mission Hydrogen

What You Will Learn In The Webinar

„Our revolutionary high-efficiency electrolyser will deliver the world’s lowest cost green hydrogen” – that’s what the Australian startup Hysata states on their website.

Hysata is an Australian electrolyser manufacturer developing a completely new type of electrolyser, featuring the world’s most efficient electrolysis cell coupled with a simplified balance of plant.

The revolutionary design operates at 95% system efficiency (41.5kW/kg), delivering a giant leap in performance over incumbent electrolysers. It was validated in the Nature Communication journal in March 2022.

Hysata has developed ‘Capillary Fed Electrolysis’, wherein water is supplied to hydrogen- and oxygen-evolving electrodes via capillary-induced transport along a porous inter-electrode separator, leading to inherently bubble-free operation at the electrodes. This ultra-high efficiency stack, combined with a simplified balance of plant and focus on mass manufacturing from the get-go puts the company on a path to dramatically reduce the cost of green hydrogen. Ultimately, this will accelerate the decarbonization of the hard to abate sectors such as steel, chemicals, shipping, and aviation.

The electrolyser is based on breakthrough Australian technology led by chemical catalysis and characterisation expert Professor Gerry Swiegers. Professor Swiegers has an outstanding track record in commercialisation, as the inventor of 60 patent families (366 individual patent applications) and the founder of seven start-ups, which have received an estimated US$100 million in investment.

As Chief Technology Officer at Hysata, he leads a team of scientists and engineers who are scaling-up the electrolyser which is attracting major customers and investors globally.   
In this webinar, he will explain science behind Hysata’s stack technology, their vision, and the path Hysata will take to deliver the world’s lowest cost green hydrogen.

As always, the presentation will be followed by a Q&A.

Sponsors of the Mission Hydrogen Webinar Series:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​GOLDHexagon Purus, NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP, Wenger Engineering GmbHWenger Hydrogen GmbH

Silver: Atlas CopcoBurckhardt Compression AG​​​​​​​Dräger Safety, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies​​​​​​​MSA – The Safety CompanySiemens AG, thyssenkrupp nuceraVOSS Holding GmbH + Co. KG​​​​​​​

Bronze: PHOENIX CONTACTSiren Energy

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