Free Teacher PD Webinar
Everyone has an opinion on what to do with young children's behaviour, most people miss the deeper "why". The Brain behind behaviour is here to change that. Rooted in developmental theory, attachment science and sensory understanding, this webinar is what I wish every big person knew about why little people do what they do. Furthermore, what we can do about it.
This webinar is a crash course for Early Childhood Teachers on how the brain is built in the formative years, why children struggle and what drives dysregulation. It aims to provide a very simple framework that can be used to understand behaviour through unpacking 3 hidden needs to fuel tricky behaviours.
Learn practical strategies that align with a relationship focused approach to guiding and supporting social and emotional wellbeing.
Heads up: This webinar is FREE to watch. ClassCover Learn members get access to certificates of completion.
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Elise Disher