Bible Sense Lexicon
Word Meanings in Context
I love hot food! From that sentence, can you tell whether I'm referring to temperature or spice? Not without more context. Many words have multiple meanings that need context to define correctly. Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek words used in our Bibles are no different! Fortunately, linguistic experts at Logos have built an incredible tool into our software called the Bible Sense Lexicon.
In this month's free webinar, we'll explore how to leverage this powerhouse for more accurate study and teaching, regardless of our level of proficiency with biblical languages.
Joshua Rowe
For over a decade, Morris trained and partnered with Joshua Rowe in preaching, teaching, and Logos Bible Software training. Joshua's training approach is influenced by his experience in programming and technology, his degrees in Bible and Biblical languages, his preaching and teaching experience, and the training he received from the late Morris Proctor.