Stress & Anxiety Relief:
​​​​​​​Your Virtual Classroom with Sarah Pritchard

​​​​​​​Anchor fire & calm the Shen

Thursday, January 13th at 11am PST, 7pm GMT, 8pm Europe
(please note that the time in blue bar at the bottom of the page is incorrect)
​​​​​​​Our role as healers

We are here to act as stabilizers in increasingly stressful times. We must find a way of holding our alignment, grounding and connection to our own Heart space, our Shen and to the Big Shen of the great Dao. Whatever we do with our hands and needles (however simple), if we can move from this place, with our breath, attention, feeling and thought, I believe we can engage the field of possibility for potential change, healing and freedom for those who come to us for help and support.

​​​​​​​In this virtual classroom we will look at:

  • How we can bring ourselves into a grounded, aligned, calm presence.

  • The Qi Dynamics of stimulating a point with needle and hands from this state of calm, aligned, centred stability.​​​​​​​

  • Treatment ideas for combining hands and needles in the treatment of stress and anxiety.​​​​​​​

  • Simple Tui na treatment protocol to induce states of deep relaxation.​​​​​​​

  • Yin Style Deep Qi Zhen fa for underlying chronic deficiency of Yin and Yang.​​​​​​​

  • The effectiveness of touch in anchoring and calming the Shen with particular reference to Tui fa, Mo fa, Gun fa, and Deep Qi Zhen fa.​​​​​​​

  • The Blood mansion – the importance of working on the chest and ribs and teaching patients about breath.​​​​​​​

  • Simple self–massage and Qi Gong routine for patients to help ease anxiety and stress, to slow down Qi and calm the Shen.​​​​​​​

  • Pacific Rim College Online

    Webinar Host

  • Sarah Pritchard

    Webinar Host

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