Free Webinar

5 Steps to Healing a Broken Brain from Anxiety, Depression and More

There are 5 primary physical causes to a "Broken Brain that can produce anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, hormonal imbalances and even chronic pain.  Each physical cause or reason is know as "cause type."

At this webinar attendees will learn how to Identify Their Broken Brain "Cause Type" and learn the foods, supplements and life style changes that they need to implement so they can start to heal.

  • Dr. Robert DeBease, ND, DC

    Webinar Host

  • Bethany Chamblee

    Webinar Host

  • Identify Your Broken Brain "Cause Type"

    There are 5 physical causes, called "Cause Types," that will break the brain and produce anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, hormonal imbalance and even chronic pain.  At this webinar Dr. Rob will teach you how to identify each attendees Broken Brain "cause type."

  • Learn the Best Foods to Address the specific "Cause Type" of a Broken Brain 
    Certain foods are much better for some people than others depending on the physical cause to their broken brain.   At this webinar, Dr. Rob will teach attendees the best foods to start healing a broken brain "cause type."

  • Learn the Best Supplements to Address a Broken Brain's "Cause Type"

    Certain supplements are also much better for some people than others depending on the physical cause to their broken brain, anxiety and depression.  At this webinar Dr. Rob will teach attendees the best supplements to start healing their "cause type."
    ​​​​​​​Note:  No nutritional supplements sold at webinar...not that type of webinar :-)

  • Learn the 5 Steps to Heal and Broken Brain

    A brain can "break" for many different reasons.  When it does a person can become anxious, depressed, fatigued, irritable, develope sleeping problems, chronic pain and more.  In this webinar Dr. Rob is going to teach attendees how to identify the cause and teach you what to do about it. 

  • Learn the Best Life Style Approaches Address a Broken Brain

    Certain times of day are better to exercise, eat and even deep breath.  At this webinar Dr. Rob will teach attendees the best life style changes for their "cause type."

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