Becoming More Sexually Engaged

This one is for the ladies!  I'm going to be sharing the information from the first module from our course Becoming More Sexually Engaged.

​​​​​​​If you struggle with being engaged in your marriage bed, this is for you!  Doesn't matter if you're newly wed, have young children, empty-nesters, or at any other stage of your marriage -  this webinar will help improve your relationship.

About The Webinar

We're going to be quickly going through the lessons in the first module of the course.  Why the first module?  Because it's the one that has the biggest impact on wives, and everything else builds on it as a foundation.  So, whether you want to continue with the rest of the course, or not, I want you to get as much as you can out of this webinar.

​​​​​​​We're going to talk through the three lessons in the module, and then end if off with a challenge, so you can begin implementing them practically in your marriage.  The topic we'll discuss are:

  • What sex means to your husband - a lot of women don't actually know what their husband means when they say they want sex.  So, I'm going to act as a translator for you to try and help you understand what he's looking for.  You might be surprised!

  • Sex as part of a larger cycle in your marriage - sex either kicks off a cycle, or the lack of sex kicks of a different cycle.  Learn to recognize these cycles, figure out which one you're in and how to switch to the one that's good for your marriage.

  • What the Bible has to say about sex - you might be surprised by what it says.  Many of the wives who grew up as a Christian learn quite a bit in this section that they never realized.

  • Jay Dee

    Webinar Host

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