Fanzago LAB - un nuovo modo di fare laboratorio

About the Webinar

During the Webinar, AFP is going to presents Fanzago Lab project.  It is an innovative project that we think it could become an Italian and European best practice. The project is a concrete proof of the effectiveness of collaboration between private and public sector. This collaboration is the basis to implement strong projects that are going to ameliorate social inclusion and to empower local community in its engagement in the educational path of youngsters.
Fanzago Lab is an experimental project arising from a careful need analysis of the Clusone territory (a small town in the mountain area) and of the local mechanical sector needs together with an AFP Patronato’s desire for renewal of its VET offer both in terms of equipment of labs for learning and in terms of quality relationship with local companies. Clusone territory suffers of a progress desertification and that is why actions are needed to give more attractiveness to the territory and to youngsters ‘future.
In the province of Bergamo, mechanical area represents a crucial sector of the “productive world”. It requires a huge generational turnover but there is a real gap between this necessity and students and families feeling about mechanical sector job opportunities.
In 2019, AFP Patronato issued a call to action to involve all stakeholders of the territory interested in relaunching the local VET offer in the field of mechanics and machine tools. One of the main and most important objectives of this strategy was to set a durable connection between public institutions interested in increasing vocational quality (Regione Lombardia and Camera di Commercio di Bergamo), companies and VET providers, which are all committed in improving pupils’ skilsl level.
Thanks to this call and as a coordinated answer to common needs, a process of shared renewal of the machine tool laboratory has been started. The lab renewal process (consisting of collaborative analysis of labour trends and required VET skills, space and equipment co-design, expenses co-funding) has been carried out in a well-balanced governance system.
This inclusive strategy has proven to be successful, in spite of the epidemic emergency. In August 2020, it led to the opening of the new laboratory of the mechanical area, named “Fanzago Lab”. The Fanzago Lab and its realization is driven from the digital innovation that need to be embedded in the teaching and learning practices. For example, thanks to this renewal AFP has started to teach added manufacturing subjects and 3D printing.
During the webinar, the following keynote speakers are foreseen:  Don Marco Perrucchini - General Director of AFP, Dott. Cristian Arrigoni – Bergamo Chamber of Commerce, Leonardo Lorusso – Regione Lombardia, Brunella Reverberi – Regione Lombardia. During the webinar video and PowerPoint presentation are foreseen.

  • AFP Patronato San Vincenzo

    Webinar Host

  • Don Marco Perrucchini


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