
​​​​​​​Autism for Early Childhood
25 October 23

Nelle's autism training focuses on sensory-generated behaviours. 
Autism and Early Childhood - WEBINAR

All children are born pure and motivated to please the adults in their life. Because an infant can't tell us why, we naturally look for solutions when they won't stop crying, take the breast or sleep.  

Just as we must look for solutions when a child's behaviour bewilders and confuses us.

Young children don't purposefully misbehave.

It's 2023 and our understanding of childhood behaviour has evolved.

The preconceived mindset of children being seen and not heard, and needing strict discipline is long gone.

However, today's "fast-paced" world is often lived at a frantic pace... where often parents work, but still have the same responsibilities  and busy-ness that go with raising children - kindy, prep, school, after-school activities, weekend sports.

Kids are often in care from an early age (and the Carers that care for them are often parents themselves).

And because we live in such a fast and frenzied world, it's easier if kids just adhere to the rules... all the time.

And when they don't ....? 

Nelle's autism training focuses on sensory-generated behaviours. Parents, Carers & Educators will learn how to greatly reduce unwanted behaviours of their children by decoding them through a "sensory lens". Nelle will provide ideas of sensory tools, equipment and activities that help children become more emotionally regulated.

​​​​​​​Wednesday October 25, 6:00 PM EST

Webinar Presenters

  • Nelle Frances

    Webinar Host

  • Michael Wall


​​​​​​​What You Will Learn In The Webinar

  • Decode behaviour from a sensory focus

    You'll learn to recognise the sensory antecedent to the behaviour

  • The behaviour will signal the sensory need

    You'll understand the purpose of the behaviour

  • You'll recognise the consequence as the child's need for sensory support

    You'll provide the appropriate sensory support for child

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