​​​​​​​Free Webinar

Get Major Media Coverage LIVE Q&A
The Secrets To Getting Life Changing Publicity 

I’ll chat a bit about:​​​​​​​

  • How to turn 5 minutes of fame into a 6-9 figure business.

  • Strategies to leverage other people’s media assets (OPMA) to accelerate your sales, consulting, coaching, speaking .

  • Ways to use ChatGPT to be uniquely you + tap into the 24/7 news cycle to become instantly relevant and beloved expert.

  • The 2 things you must have to become a repeat guest or thought leader.

  • BONUS: You’ll walk away with a PDF of 5 storytelling templates to brilliantly answer the media’s #1 question to you so you’ll instantly align with investors, partners and your right-fit audience. (Gifted to you on the call).

  • PLUS: The Ultimate Prompt to ask ChatGPT so you get profound and original information just for you. 
    (A woman did this while on the call and was absolutely vavavoomed!)

  • For more info about joining the 21-Day PR Sprint Email: prsecrets.vip@gmail.com or text the word: MEDIA to 909.324.4597 and we'll connect with you ASAP!

  • Susan Harrow

    Webinar Host

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