Five BEST Herbs for Your Home Apothecary!
Ready to Learn Herbalism and Start Your Custom
Home Apothecary?
Join us in this special FREE workshop!
Learn how to use these Five BEST Herbs You Can Grow or Find Right in the Grocery Store PLUS How to Put Them to Work for Your Home Medicine Chest!
Whether you're just beginning or have been studying for awhile, these herbs are essential to know how to work with for wellness, PLUS they're easy to find.
These are ALL herbs that:
Have many different benefits and uses....
Each of these herbs has multiple medicinal actions and can be used in many ways for different conditions. For example, you'll learn how to use these for different kinds of fevers and LOTS more.
You can grow at home or find right in your grocery store!
These are all herbs that you're familiar with...and yet their medicinal values will shock you! They're ALL easy to grow no matter where you live. can find them right in your grocery store.
You'll also enjoy recipes and remedies in a FREE 29 page guide!
Yes! This workshop also comes with a free book featuring these herbs including all the information from the training PLUS recipes and remedies! It's a valuable addition to your home apothecary or kitchen, and best of all...It's FREE.
Heidi Villegas, Herbalist
Webinar Host