Free Webinar
Difficult Neonatal Airways
Simulation to Improve Patient Safety
About The Webinar
We are pleased to invite you to Monivent webinar series with sessions related to topics in neonatal resuscitation and delivery room management.
This session we are delighted to have Dr Nadya Yousef, Hospital Antôine Beclere, Paris, France, and Dr Alok Sharma, Corniche Hospital, Abu Dhabi Emirate, UAE, to present on difficult neonatal airways and simulation to improve patient safety.
Webinar session #1
Title: "Preventing Difficult Neonatal Airway - The Best Attempt Approach"
Presented by: Dr Alok Sharma, Corniche Hospital, Abu Dhabi Emirate, UAE
Webinar session #2
Title: "Using simulation to improve patient safety - is it possible regardless of location and resources?"
Presented by: Dr Nadya Yousef, Hospital Antôine Beclere, Paris, France.
Webinar Host
Dr Nadya Yousef
Webinar Presenter
Dr Alok Sharma
Webinar Presenter