Galactic Journey Presents:
The Journey Show: September 26, 1965 1PM PDT
Destination: Moon | The Day the Earth Stood Still | Forbidden Planet | Godzilla | The World, the Flesh, and the Devil | The Time Machine | The Day the Earth Caught Fire | Panic in Year Zero | Robinson Crusoe on Mars | Failsafe
Now that 2001: Space Odyssey has a title, it's a good time to discuss the best (and perhaps the worst) movies of the last 15 years, a time that may one day be known as the golden age of drive-in science fiction.
We'll dig deep into the evolution of film, the inside dope into these films' production, and why these movies should be on your watch list -- check newspaper listings for a revival near you!
(and don't forget to register -- it'll ensure you get a replay of the event if you miss it)
Gideon Marcus
Janice Marcus
Natalie Devitt
Film Expert
Jason Sacks
Media Maven
Lorelei Marcus
Hapless Victim
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