SUSTAINABLE GROWTH…. The solar opportunity
 webinar with

Building sustainable growth, one step at a time.

Meet Mika & Mikko from Korkia

With more than 30 solar plants operating and €550 mln in committed capital 
🚀 To an industry estimated yearly growth of over 30% globally during the next four years 🚀
Mikko Kantero, Senior VP & Mika Räsänen Portfolio Manager 
Breaks down the market environment & KORKIA’S latest investment opportunities
In the solar energy space both in Europe & Latin America. 


Join Mika and Mikko for an insightful conversation & learn more about the solar opportunity!


Live on May 4th, 9am EST / 3 pm CET – register now!

Can’t make it? Register anyway and get access to the webinar replay and edited version afterwards!

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  • Mika Räsänen

    Portfolio Manager

  • Mikko Kantero

    Senior VP

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