Mission Hydrogen GmbH
Hydrogen in the Universe - and on Earth

Live Webinar (English)

We are living in dramatic times of climate change and its impact on
the Earth's environment, on our quality of life and on global
migration of humans. 

Hence, it is about highest time to change our way of energy
consumption and switch to CO2-free energy sources. The most powerful
and reliable energy source, which we could easily tab, is the
Sun. With the power of the Sun (which is also responsible for the
winds on Earth) we can easily satisfy the world's total energy demand.
An issue which is often raised when it comes to the large-scale
usage of renewable energy sources is transportation and storage as
those sources are highly local and temporally fluctuating.

Nevertheless even here, the technical solution is ready to use: H2.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element and molecule in the Universe,
but unfortunately not available in molecular form (H2) on
Earth. Fortunately, H2 is easily produced just from water via
electrolysis and back-converted with via fuel cells.

In this talk, Prof. Dr. Robi Banerjee will give an (global/astrophysical) overview of how to realistically install a Sun and H2-based energy economy and discuss the next steps we have to take to be successful.

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Prof. Dr. Robi Banerjee is Professor for Theoretical Astrophysics (W2)
at the University of Hamburg, 
since May 2011.

Gold Sponsors: Burckhardt Compression, Hexagon Purus, Neuman & Esser
Silver Sponsors: 
CumminsFischer GroupLinde
​​​​​​​Wenger Engineering GmbH
​​​​​​Bronze Sponsors: Karl Steiger GmbHMesa Parts

  • Exciting range of topics
    Astrophysics - Sun's power - global point of view

  • Q&A Session
    Questions of the participants will be answered at the end of the webinar.

  • Prof. Dr. Robi Banerjee

    Professor for Theoretical Astrophysics (W2), University of Hamburg

  • Silke Frank (Host)

    CEO, Mission Hydrogen GmbH

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  • INFO