Tools to Help the Sensitive Thrive
​​​​​​​in a Chaotic World

​​​​​​​~A Free Class for HSPs~

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Replay available for those that register if you can't attend live.
​​​​​​​The modern world is often overwhelming and stressful for those of us with sensitive nervous systems. Many of us have suffered from the challenges of high stress, anxiety, sensory overload, and mental health and physical health issues. Fortunately, after years of working with and researching Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), I have developed many tools that have not only helped me but thousands of HSPs all over the world move out of survival mode living and into thriving. I’ll share the tools that HSPs have found the most life-changing. My goal is to help you live to your fullest potential because the world needs you.

  • Julie Bjelland, LMFT

    Webinar Host, Psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity and founder of Sensitive Empowerment

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