About The Webinar

Is your child struggling with anxiety? Times of great change and uncertainty can set off a constellation of difficult feelings, behaviors and other symptoms - especially in children. Learn how to recognize if your child is experiencing anxiety, and empower them to build resilience and find peace.

Join us!
Monday, June 1
12:00pm Pacific | 3:00pm Eastern

​​​​​​​Be part of our conversation with Amy Rothenberg, ND, addressing:

  • How to identify anxiety in your child

  • Factors that influence anxiety in children

  • The roles of nutrition and lifestyle in axiety

  • Gentle & effective strategies to calm your child

  • Holly Lucille, ND, RN

    Chair of the INM Board and today's webinar host, Holly is a is a nationally recognized and licensed naturopathic doctor, educator, and television and radio host.

  • Amy Rothenberg, ND

    Published writer Dr. Amy Rothenberg is the AANP 2017 Physician of the Year and has worked with patients at her naturopathic family practice since 1986.

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