Free Workshop


​​​​​​​Build a Winning Query Letter Workshop with Becca Day

Think you need to be someone or know someone in order to get published? Not so. The most common route to traditional publication is still the slush pile (i.e. sending out your query letter, opening pages and synopsis to agents and keeping your fingers crossed). Bestselling author Becca Day is here to share her winning query letter - the one that got her an agent and subsequent book deal. She'll dissect what she did and why she did it, so that you can craft a query letter than will capture the attention of literary agents.

What You Will Learn In The Webinar

  • How to capture what makes your book different​​​​​​​

  • How to structure your query letter for maximum impact​​​​​​​

  • How to distill your story into a paragraph that makes agents say 'tell me more'

  • Becca Day

    Webinar Host

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