​​​​​​​Free Webinar

Resume.io Career Days Webinars

Get ahead of the class by attending our Career Days webinars!
Resume.io are delivering workshops to tell you a bit more about working life and what experiences could help you land your dream job.

​​​​​​​Tom Ballering, Senior Sustainability Consultant
Tom Ballering is an experienced sustainability consultant that has advised clients in the private, public and nonprofit sector. Although Tom started off by studying a degree in Industrial Engineering and Management he has ended up in a career in sustainability - how did he get there? What made him switch? and how did he do it?

If you're passionate about climate change and are considering how you can move into working into the sustainability sector, Tom's here to share his point of view!

  • Sophie Tarif

    Webinar Host

  • Tom Ballering

    Webinar Guest

  • Hear from experienced voices

    We've got firsthand accounts of how these graduates landed a job at some of the world's top international brands.

  • Plan your graduate career

    Access tools and information that will help plan your season of success,  at a graduate-friendly rate.

  • An opportunity to ask your questions

    If you're wondering what kind of experiences helped our line up land their jobs, here's your chance to ask.

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