Debate:"It's better to formulate with natural ingredients"

About the Webinar

Our first Debate received such a positive response we're doing a second one. 

"It's better to formulate cosmetics with natural ingredients". That's what our two experts will debate:  one on the "Yes" side, the other on the "No" side. 

We'll ask our Attendees to vote "Yes" or "No" before our experts make their case. Then we'll ask our Attendees to vote after, and we'll see if any minds are changed.

Wednesday 24 March:  7h West Coast USA = 10h Mexico City = 11h East Coast USA = 16h London = 17h Europe / South Africa = 18h Tel Aviv = 19h Moscow = 21h30 New Delhi

About Dr. Barbara Olioso, "For" Debater

Dr Barbara Olioso is a cosmetic formulator, speaker and writer. Her passion is green chemistry applied to cosmetic products to drive sustainable innovation.

She has specialised in green cosmetics development since 1999. In 2005 she was behind the launch of the first certified organic eau de toilette with Primavera Aromatherapy, now Espa International.

Barbara moderates the Sustainability Corner at In Cosmetics Global and just launched her first handbook on Cosmetic Preservation using green chemistry ingredients. 

She is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the UK SCS, the US SCC and Water Europe.

To know more visit https://thegreenchemist.com/

About Dr. Ricardo Diez, "Against" Debater

​​​Ricardo Diez, Ph.D, is currently an Adjunct Professor at Rutgers University, (New Jersey, USA) where he teaches two courses on Applied Cosmetic Science in the Masters of Business and Science.

He has more than four decades of experience in the industry in both consumer product companies (Procter & Gamble, Dial Corp and Chanel), and raw material producers (Miranol, Stepan and Huntsman). He has obtained patents in the fields of raw materials synthesis and consumer product technologies.

He has given courses in the past for the IFSCC and is currently active with seminars and courses for the SCC and the Center for Professional Advancement.

About Perry Romanowski, Moderator

Currently Chair of the IFSCC Education Committee, Perry has been involved with the Society of Cosmetic Chemists (USA-Canada) for years. He served as SCC President and has served on too many Committees to list here.

​​​​​​​His company provides on-line education for cosmetic scientists, including a very popular free webinar series, through his website ChemistsCorner.com. His textbook, Basics of Cosmetic Chemistry, is currently available only on IFSCC.org for IFSCC Members (free; registration required) and is the #1 most downloaded reference material from the IFSCC Virtual Library.

  • Dr. Barbara Olioso, Natural Formulation Consultant (SCS)

    Webinar Presenter

  • Dr. Ricardo Diez, Rutgers University (SCC)

    Webinar Presenter

  • Perry Romanowski, IFSCC Chair of Education

    Webinar Host and Moderator

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