​​​​​​​Impostor Syndrome
Why does it happen to you
​​​​​​​and how to overcome it

Are you tired of constantly overworking to prove you are worthy of your job? Do you run yourself in circles overthinking mistakes and fearing the worst about what will happen if someone finds them?  Are you getting stuck in cycles of procrastination and then short, intense bursts of overwork? Are you sick and tired of feeling like a fraud?

Then, this is for you!

We are going to dive deep into the origins of YOUR Impostor Syndrome, help you to understand what it is and what you can do about it. You don't have to live with Impostor Syndrome. You just have to commit yourself to doing the work that will help you overcome it. Wondering what that is? Join me!

If you are ready, I'm ready! See you there!

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