Why invest in real estate in Poland?

Webinar: Why invest in real estate in Poland in 2024? (Dutch with English subtitles)

Poland: a post-communist deprived country?

This is the perception - still today - among many people when I speak to them about my activities in Poland. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Poland is one of the fastest growing economies in Europe and the real estate market is growing steadily along with it.

​​​​​​​In this webinar I would like to take you on a 'virtual' trip to Poland and delve deeper into the trends in the real estate market in Poland and how you can invest in the country yourself.

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  • Why Poland should be in your top 3 for investing in real estate

    Poland is one of the fastest growing countries in Europe. The real estate market offers unseen opportunities for everyone.

  • Which segments of the market have the potential? 

    Residential, industrial, retail, offices ,... Where are the opportunities?

  • Where to invest in Poland? 

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Location, location, location... the 3 requirements for a good real estate investment. Also in Poland. I am constantly looking for new locations. I would like to share them with you in this webinar.

  • Frederik Scherpereel

    Real estate entrepreneur

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