Leadership 360: Troubling Times or Golden Age?

About The Webinar

Since the pandemic, different, even conflicting narratives have advanced the discussions on effective leadership. Were some countries better equipped to deal with the pandemic because of greater foresight on the part of their leadership? Or were there other factors at play? What inherent and systemic biases can our leadership be immune to in organizational (or governance) settings when they are removed from the consciousness and concerns of those they lead?
Measuring trust in leadership is an ongoing work for public opinion and market researchers alike. Are leaders born or nurtured to thrive? What mental models and competencies separate the best leaders from the rest? Is leadership a community exercise? What checks and balances must be in place to maximize the human potential of our leaders?
Drawing from a range of case studies and evidence-based research, these presentations will scope problems facing forward-thinking organizations and societies today showcasing the best in data storytelling. Each speaker will answer the question of whether these are troubling times or really the golden age of leadership with unique recommendations. 

  • Zeynep Aydin, Research Strategy Group

    Are Leaders Born or Grown?

  • Dr. Ada Le, BEworks

    Why Leaders Need to Shift their Mindset and become Scientific Thinkers

  • Lisel Douglas, Accountable Leadership

    Bringing Accountability to the Forefront

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