VirTra Presents

Weapon Kit Maintenance

About The Webinar
​​​​​​​Cost: FREE
Dates:  On-Demand 24/7

This course is a great refresher on maintaining and refreshing your VirTra drop-in recoil kits.
One of VirTra's Law Enforcement Subject Matter Experts, Jeff Knaup, will walk you through all of the different parts, as well as lubrication, part replacement and troubleshooting tips.

  • Kit Lubrication

    We'll make sure youapply the correct type of lubrication, as well as the right locations on the kits.

  • Installing & Uninstalling Kits

    Jeff will walk you through the process of installing and uninstalling a handgun kit and a rifle kit.  In this class, we'll be featuring a Glock handgun and BCM rifle, but the process is the same for most of our handgun and rifle kits.

  • Jeff Knaup

    Webinar Host

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