Setting Your Church Up for
​​​​​​​Leadership Transition Success

Half of pastors today either will not retire or have no plans to retire. This is not setting the church up well to move forward. And because of this, 80% of pastoral transitions don’t go well. So, what can we do? How do you know if you are ready to transition, or when to start planning for this? On March 16th, I’m interviewing pastoral transition expert Mark Zehnder to discuss with us how do we know when we are ready to retire? What are the necessary steps? And what can we do today, no matter where we are in our ministry, to be more open-handed in our leading the church into the future?

For further reading, in preparation of this webinar, feel free to visit these blogs that we posted in March 2022.

5 Keys to Healthy Pastoral Succession by Mark Zehnder
There’s a Pastoral Crisis Right Now. Don’t Believe These 5 Lies! by Zach Zehnder
5 Predictions if Pastors Really Did Quit by Zach Zehnder
3 Reasons Pastors Don’t Develop Other Pastors by Tim Ahlman

  • Zach Zehnder

    Webinar Host

  • Mark Zehnder

    Webinar Host

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