Teaching through a Culturally Responsive Lens

Part 1
How Did We Arrive Where We Are Today?

Wednesday, April 14
4pm - 6pm

Session Description

​​​​​​​We will explore the history of marginalization and its impact on the American education system. The continued blatant oppression, systemic inequalities and legislation that leaves many students behind demonstrates that our education system was not meant to support all students. We are ready to change the narrative from student failure to societal failure - when all students aren’t awarded the same opportunities than the root was rotten from its core. With this historical foundation, we will unpack what diversity and social justice mean for us as individuals, as educators, and for our students. Recognizing privilege and bias is only the beginning.

Part 2
Is My Learning Environment Culturally Responsive?
Wednesday, April 21
4pm - 6pm

Session Description

We will peel back the layers of the foundational beliefs that impact teaching, learning, and academic achievement. The context of a school community is just as important as the content taught in class. Community ties can be familial, cultural and built up from mutual experiences. Rapport, relationship, and respect are common amongst the three. The community we build in schools can be equal to or more important than the communities students have at home. Given the effects of marginalization, we will explore the importance of relationships as it relates to educating the whole child.

Part 3
Is My Academic Instruction Culturally Responsive?
Wednesday, April 28
4pm - 6pm

Session Description

Students should see themselves in their learning and feel safe to explore their curiosities. Affirming our students by selecting purposeful educational materials, with encouraging student voice and through navigating real world situations can help to create an environment of respect and academic rigor. Supporting students to take risks, reflect out-loud and question transparently builds progression towards intellectual and personal growth.

  • Melissa Moran

    Webinar Host

  • Sharae Graham

    Webinar Host

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