Mission Hydrogen GmbH​​​​​​​
Hydrogen Refuelling for Heavy Duty Transport –
an infrastructure view

Live Webinar (English)
Start: August 25, 2021, 16:00 CEST

For logistic companies looking to shift toward zero emission alternatives, the most important consideration factors for hydrogen are convenient refuelling times, payload, range and costs related to their specific use cases. We at H2 MOBILITY have built a basic infrastructure for light to medium duty vehicles in Germany. Now we are looking forward to playing our role as well in enabling the widespread use of emission-free hydrogen in heavy duty transport too. Currently, various technology options for MDV/HDV hydrogen refuelling are under development. This webinar gives an overview based on a paper H2 MOBILITY will launch at the same time.

Sneak preview? Download the overview here: LINK

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Nikolas Iwan, H2 MOBILITY, CEO
Nikolas Iwan is the CEO of H2 MOBILITY Deutschland. The mission of H2 MOBILITY is to show the world, that hydrogen in mobility and transport works. By building and operating a customer centric national network of hydrogen refuelling stations in Germany. Nikolas Iwan has profound infrastructure and management experience, which he gained in various positions at Shell. Currently, H2M is focusing on expanding the hydrogen refuelling station infrastructure for commercial vehicles in all vehicle segments thereby laying the foundation for emission-free mobility with long ranges and short refueling times.

Lorenz Jung, H2 MOBILITY, CPO
In his previous position at THOST Projektmanagement Lorenz Jung already worked extensively on large projects among others for the customers Linde and Siemens in the plant engineering and energy transmission sector. Today, Lorenz Jung is the Chief Projects Officer (CPO) at H2 MOBILITY. Over the last years he and his team established the Germany-wide network of H2 MOBILITY Deutschland’ hydrogen refuelling stations. Over 60 construction projects and the SERVICES offer, with which H2 MOBILITY Deutschland also supports third-party construction projects, have been realized. Lorenz Jung is responsible for the expansion of the hydrogen filling station network and thus for clean e-mobility with short refueling times and a long range.

Nora Oberländer, H2 MOBILITY, Strategic Projects Manager
Nora Oberländer is an industrial engineer and a business strategy professional. She is focusing on the strategic development of H2 MOBILITY and has prior experience in strategy consulting at PwC as well as experience in the renewable energy sector.

​​​​​​​Sponsors of the Mission Hydrogen Webinar Series:

​​​​​​​GOLD: Burckhardt Compression AGHexagon Purus, NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP
 Dräger SafetyMSA – The Safety Companythyssenkrupp, ​​​​​​​Wenger Engineering GmbH
​​​​​​Bronze: Beckhoff AutomationBird & BirdCryostarKEYOU GmbH​​​​​​​, Mesa PartsNOW GmbHRoth Composite Machinery

  • Interactive Q&A Session
    Questions of the participants will be answered at the end of the webinar.

  • Benefit from world-class knowledge
    Overview of most advanced hydrogen refuelling options for heavy duty transport

  • Be at the top of your game​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
    Be bold and get ahead of your competition.

  • Nikolas Iwan


  • Lorenz Jung


  • Nora Oberländer

    H2 MOBILITY, Strategic Projects Manager

  • Silke Frank

    Mission Hydrogen GmbH, Webinar Host & CEO

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