Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia, your complex patients who have seen 15 practitioners and who don’t get better… it’s now being seen that the root of these issues is a biotoxin illness. Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome encompasses multiple biotoxin vectors, and we will be discussing the one responsible for more than 80% of CIRS patients — water-damaged buildings and the immune response and dysregulation that can occur when exposed to mold and fungal fragments.
This course will cover the screening process that you as a practitioner can do to determine if a patient has CIRS, and what tests should be ordered to confirm a diagnosis. We will also discuss specifics about what to look for in a house if mold is suspected, and how to accurately test a house for mold. Learning to recognize CIRS will transform your practice, and make you a hero to your patients who have been desperate to find an answer.
Dr. Marlene Merritt
Webinar Host