Mission Hydrogen GmbH​​​​​​​
New Automation Technology for Hydrogen

Live Webinar (English)
Start: May 26, 2021, 16:00 CEST

Whether it is production, transport, filling or integration in smart grids: in hydrogen systems, the demands on automation systems are particularly high due to the risk of explosion. Nevertheless, they have to become more and more efficient and flexible.

These challenges can be mastered with PC-based control technology: Reliability, openness and scalability can be optimally met. The Ex-certified components also enable use in potentially explosive areas.

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Dirk Kordtomeikel studied mathematics and mechanics at the University of Paderborn. During his studies he starts already working for Beckhoff as an application engineer. Since 1998 he is heading the office in Lübeck and is responsible for the renewable energy business at Beckhoff.
Benjamin Bruns studied process automation at the Hanover University of Applied Sciences, where he has been teaching mathematics, IT and explosion protection since 2012. After positions in the oil and gas industry and technology consulting, he took over the process technology division in 2014 and is product manager for explosion-protected products at Beckhoff Automation.

​​​​​​​Gold Sponsors: Burckhardt Compression AGHexagon Purus, NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP
Silver Sponsors:
 Cummins Inc., Dräger Safetythyssenkrupp, ​​​​​​​Wenger Engineering GmbH
​​​​​​Bronze Sponsors: Beckhoff AutomationBird & Bird, CryostarKEYOU GmbH​​​​​​​, Mesa PartsNOW GmbH

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  • Dipl. Math. Dirk Kordtomeikel

    Business Management Renewable Energy/Head of Office Lübeck | Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG

  • M.Eng. Benjamin Bruns

    Product Manager Ex/Business Management Process Industry | Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG

  • Silke Frank

    Webinar Host & CEO | Mission Hydrogen GmbH

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