Mission Hydrogen GmbH​​​​​​​
Hydrogen in engine-driven CHP as backbone of the energy transition

Live Webinar (English)
Start: May 19, 2021, 16:00 CEST

The webinar shows how state-of-the-art combined heat and power (CHP) systems contribute to achieve the goals of the energy transition. Even today, when operated with conventional natural gas, these systems make a significant contribution reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

​​​​​​​Green hydrogen instead of natural gas will be the future path into a 100 % sustainable future for CHP systems. Using a practical example, the development of 2G hydrogen engine-technology is shown, which is the basis of the strategy “today natural gas - tomorrow hydrogen”.

Emissions, costs and future potentials are discussed.

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Frank Grewe finished his studies in mechanical engineering at the beginning of 2007 and started his career at 2G Energietechnik GmbH. In his career he went through several positions in the company and is now responsible for R&D and service as CTO and member of the board of 2G Energy AG.

Jochen Riedel finished his studies in energy-systems in 2012 and started his career as a project manager in an engineering office. After this he worked as a Product & Business Development Manager for combined heat and power solutions at Viessmann. Since 2020 he is working for 2G Energietechnik GmbH as a Sales Manager in southern Germany.

​​​​​​​Gold Sponsors: Burckhardt Compression AGHexagon Purus, NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP
Silver Sponsors:
 Cummins Inc., Dräger SafetyFischer Groupthyssenkrupp, ​​​​​​​Wenger Engineering GmbH
​​​​​​Bronze Sponsors: Beckhoff AutomationBird & Bird, CryostarKEYOU GmbH​​​​​​​, Mesa PartsNOW GmbH

  • Interactive Q&A Session
    Questions of the participants will be answered at the end of the webinar.

  • Benefit from world-class knowledge
    Affordable energy transition. Achieving climate neutrality. Natural gas today - hydrogen tomorrow.

  • Be at the top of your game​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
    Be bold and get ahead of your competition.

  • Frank Grewe

    CTO and member of the board, 2G Energy AG

  • Jochen Riedel

    Sales Manager, 2G Energietechnik GmbH

  • Silke Frank

    Webinar Host & CEO, Mission Hydrogen GmbH

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